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“You should always have Business in your mind and your mind in Business in order to succeed in business “

Article’s which will be very useful for busy business leaders to streamline their business and increase bottom line revenues .


What is Self-Propelled Performance Process (SPPP).

This is about the self-propelled performance process (SPPP).

How good is your organisation with getting people to perform exceptionally well?

How many times have you seen people around you trying to change something about a work situation, in an effort to improve something? Something like a system, a process, work flow, a document and so forth. It happens a lot, not so?

How many organisations do you know, who just don't make progress with growth, profit, morale or performance. Sometimes an organisation can be good, because the efficient machines make up for human deficiencies and failure.

Many organisations have job descriptions in place, but does it make people perform?

Many organisations have performance measurement in place, but does it make people perform to their potential?

Many organisations even have a strategic plan and derivative business plans, but does it make the organisation perform?

Many organisations even have the performance areas and performance criteria for each and every job documented, but does it make people perform?

Some organisations also undertake or outsource to consultants the design of improved organisation structures, the re-design of roles and responsibilities, the design and development of electronic systems, the design of job grading systems and many more things, without achieving the desired improved performance.

You must agree that performance is a very elusive concept for most persons in positions of authority and in the driving seats of most organisations.

What then, is so magical about bringing about performance in the workplace - and with it a culture of work and work ethics?

What about our school systems? Why have our school systems failed to instigate scholarly performance for so long? Why is it that such a small proportion of children perform well in school? Only a handful come up with exceptional results; in all the grades, in all schools worldwide.

Where then, is the missing link or links? What are the secrets? Are they buried so mystically deep underground that nobody seems to be able to dig it up to the surface of mother earth? Not even the best of human brains; after all the foregoing scientific research and development?

We have heard numerous times of companies, which say they have implemented a system of performance management. The goals and objectives are embodied in the job descriptions and they do performance measurement quarterly, bi-annually or annually. The problem is that employees remain on previous performance levels and nothing occurs to increase their motivation, morale or inspiration to perform better.

We are sure the readers will be able to recite many more examples out of own experience.

Have you noticed that many persons still seem to take recourse to autocratic behavior, although we claim to operate in a democratic society for decades now and in some cases centuries. In other words, many managers still try to get movement by applying a military, dictator style to try and enforce discipline or poor decisions. Others may hide their inabilities behind an aloof attitude of outdated protocol of superiority and make themselves unapproachable.

The big remaining question is therefore: How to get it right, with the correct tactics and how to utilize it for our children also?

We are talking about a process, a systematic work process, with automatic self-control and integrated performance measurement built in, to motivate and inspire all employees, to reach and surpass their strategic and organization goals, on a voluntary basis, regularly.

We had been fortunate to be involved in such a process and experienced the results first-hand.

It is a process, where the desire to perform comes naturally, for everyone involved. In this process all the pieces of the puzzle like strategic planning, business plans, goal-setting, job descriptions, performance measurement, performance areas and performance criteria fall into place, to form a integrated whole that makes sense to all. It is also a process where self-control and initiative by individuals form the foundation for the building blocks of the whole process.

The benefits of this systematic work process are increased enthusiasm, dedication, productivity, performance, profitability and work result satisfaction for both employees and employers alike.

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