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“You should always have Business in your mind and your mind in Business in order to succeed in business “

Article’s which will be very useful for busy business leaders to streamline their business and increase bottom line revenues .


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Experts define emotional intelligence as a person’s innate ability to recognize, understand and decipher one’s own moods, emotions, behavior and impulses and manage them effectively. On this basis, it is possible to divide emotional intelligence into four major components:
Deciphering skills
Learning skills

Emotional intelligence involves a deep understanding of one’s own emotions. It also involves a fair understanding of others’ emotions and moods. This is naturally followed by appropriate adaptive behaviors that make it possible for the individual to face various life situations. Management of emotions is an important facet of emotional intelligence where people take the time and care to balance the expression of their honest opinions with courtesy and respect. Emotional intelligence also involves active choices like avoiding procrastination, abolishing self doubt and beating low achievement.

The amount of emotional intelligence that a person possesses is known as their Emotional Quotient (EQ). The quantum of EQ a person possesses will lead them to choices that decide the course of their life. This is what makes them pick one choice over another and lead their life in a manner that is uniquely their own.

Emotional intelligence is important because it plays a decisive role in what job you choose and how successful you are in this job. The reason for this is simple. Our emotions are not a separate part of us. They follow us wherever we go. So, only the effective management of our emotions can ensure success in our life, official or personal. According to D. Goleman, the author of The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace, Emotional intelligence is important because “out of control emotions can make smart people act stupid”. This explains why modern theories place EQ over leadership skills.

In practical terms, emotional intelligence plays a significant part in job performance and interpersonal relationships. Those with higher emotional quotient are more successful, regardless of the industry they are in. Emotional intelligence dictates a person’s competency not only in jobs that bring them into contact with other people (Sales, for instance) but even in jobs that require technical skills. In fact, researchers even go so far as to say that the amount of Emotional intelligence required for a job increases with the complexity of the job. Simply put, a person who is able to manage their emotions well can communicate effectively, inspire confidence, solve problems and build rapport. Thus, emotional intelligence is what differentiates the performers who are considered to be a cut above the rest.

Emotional intelligence is important in people sitting in top positions because it impacts organizational effectiveness and productivity. Research shows that employees do not really leave their jobs, but their managers. That being the case, employees are more likely to stick with managers who have very high levels of emotional intelligence.

Fortunately, emotional intelligence can be developed and learnt. That way, people can really enhance their effectiveness in their jobs and personal relationships.

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