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“You should always have Business in your mind and your mind in Business in order to succeed in business “

Article’s which will be very useful for busy business leaders to streamline their business and increase bottom line revenues .


The secret of self confidence

When times are tough and uncertain one of the most important qualities that will get you through is self-confidence. Have you noticed that people who feel confident about themselves and the future seem to get so much more out of life? Is accessing your own inner confidence more easily and often something you would like to do?

I’ve heard it said before that a lack of self-confidence is the basis of all under-achievement. Often, a lack of self-confidence causes people to doubt themselves, which results in a pessimistic outlook n life. When you access those feelings of confidence and self-assurance it becomes far easier to look to the future with optimism and enjoy life in the present, doesn’t it?

When it comes to your goals, a strong belief that you can, and will accomplish them will make all the difference.

Before we talk more about how to feel more confident let’s get clear on what the rewards are. I don’t know specifically what it is that you desire but the kind of outcomes that many people enjoy could be:

  • More success in your career or business
  • More money
  • A healthier immune system
  • Feeling enthusiastic
  • Being Happier and more fulfilled
  • Better relationships
  • Greater willingness to try new things

What are some of the ways that greater self-confidence would make a huge difference in your life? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Self confidence is for anyone

While there’s no doubt that some people seem to have natural self confidence in abundance it’s something that can be both learned and earned through approaching life in a certain way:

  • It’s important to get on your own path in life and do what’s right for you. This means living in accordance with your own deepest desires, core values, and what makes you happy rather than living the expectations of other people.
  • Do what you’re good at. You’re far more likely to fulfil your potential when you do what comes naturally to you and where your interest is drawn. Accept that there are some things that you’ll never be that great at and let go of the need to be good at everything.
  • Earn confidence it by overcoming challenges and obstacles. This means both internally, in your mind, and externally in the outside world. As you transcend fears, anxieties, and moments of doubt you feel good about yourself.
  • Love yourself. Not in a way where you think you’re above others but by valuing yourself and your uniqueness. Stop comparing yourself to others and become entirely comfortable with who you are.
  • Take action. Stop thinking too much and do something. Nothing is more motivational than getting stuck in and doing something rather then waiting for the ‘right time’ or when you ‘feel right’.
  • Train your own psychology to support you by learning to interrupt and replace any negative patterning. Read books about self development and inspirational people. Listen to audios in the car or when travelling. Go to seminars to learn more. Get a coach. Do what builds your energy rather than drains it.
  • Avoid taking yourself too seriously. Be able to laugh at yourself and remember that in the big picture few things are that important.

Now imagine going through life with high confidence. Imagine seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing that you are, right now, in absolutely the right place on your journey. Create that deep inner certainty that you can, and you will handle anything that comes your way and leave the past behind…now…how good does that feel?

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