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Business Voip – Truly Revolutionary Or A Just Another Technology

What makes business VoIP truly revolutionary?

Standout features of a business phone service are the flexibility and portability it provides to business communications. For example, till now traveling employees used only cellphones for communicating with each other and their offices, which would run up huge charges. Now a business phone service can help both the company and these employees to stay in constant touch without using traditional mobile service providers. A cellphone can be used to make voice calls via a Wi-Fi network the same network that is used by the employee to access the Internet and at the same charges – so there are no additional costs. Also, using the business VoIP network, the employee can turn on a ‘follow-me’ feature so that employees can have calls come in to both their office phone as well as their cellphones. Further, using the same VoIP network, employees can now go to any of the company’s locations and by using their IP-enabled laptop start to make and receive telephone calls. Not just that, the beauty of the VoIP network is that all the rich features that would normally be available to an employee at his home location will now be available at this location.

With VoIP networks, an organization does not need personnel with two different skill sets – one for telephony and one for data – to maintain the networks. This allows companies to even reduce their personnel by maximizing training for some.

The most compelling feature of a business phone service is the cost savings it brings about. A company implementing a business phone service manages to save costs on several fronts, some of which are not obvious at first. Business VoIP can reduce local charges for sure, can also reduce regulatory fees but more importantly can reduce or at times even eliminate certain toll charges. For companies that have a large number of toll calls, business VoIP translates into large savings. If the company has significant international calling, then it can save even more on the regulatory fees and toll charges.

What does the future hold?

It is reported that the $300 billion per year telecommunications industry is planning to migrate to VoIP network with many companies converting their equipment as well as carrier services to support packetized VoIP services. This transformation is expected to take place in the next few years and soon all traditional telecommunications systems will be gradually replaced by business VoIP systems.

Business phone service today has emerged globally as the main replacement for traditional circuit-switched telephony infrastructure. This has pushed producers of telecommunications gear to modify their products and services to meet the ever-increasing demands for VoIP-enabled systems. This is also true for network services providers who are now moving from their core services to offer VoIP-based services on a priority basis.

All this indicates that business VoIP is truly the revolutionary technology that it was anticipated to be. With more and more VoIP products and services in the market today, business phone service truly offers companies a chance to reduce costs, increase revenues and plan for long-term growth.

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