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“You should always have Business in your mind and your mind in Business in order to succeed in business “

Article’s which will be very useful for busy business leaders to streamline their business and increase bottom line revenues .


Important lesson to be learned

“ We always should have mind in the business and business in the mind to succeed in business“

My logic in posting this story is to show how the organizations work and how they should work you will see that many people from the worker level to the top management are just interested in having there salaries and least care about the productive of the company and if they do the level of their focus is not on how they will give maximum revenue to the organization but is always waiting for the 30th day of the month so that they get there salary or promotion or need to switch jobs for better salary rise so that they can enjoy there material instincts to the fullest .But when it comes to hard work they will start to give reasons as to why the work was not completed this type of people are con man and just believe in there own benefit and in the final analysis ruin the organization .This guy’s are smart and know how to fool around with the management .In order to win in this competitive world we should have an great manager’s and great leader who knows how to Create an inspiring vision, establish shared values, give direction and set stretch goals , create change, lead change, manage resistance to change , lead by example; practice what you preach; set an example, and share risks or hardship, Demonstrate confidence; win respect and trust without courting popularity, Be enthusiastic; inspire and energize people, create a positive work environment, Empower people; delegate authority; be open to ideas; have faith in the creativity of others ,Communicate openly and honestly; give clear guidelines; set clear expectations , Empathize; be willing to discuss and solve problems; listen with understanding; support and help , Use team approach; facilitate cooperation; involve everyone; trust your group; rely on their judgment , Bring out the best in your people; have common touch with them; coach and provide feedback , Permit group decision; help your team reach better decisions , Monitor progress, but does not micromanage; who avoids close supervision; does not over boss; does not dictate . But when the top management is the one which does not have the will to succeed or the will to do hard work what will l the workers do. See in the story what happens when the Emperor (Share holder of the company or the financier ) are not focused and involved in the business and cannot recognize the con man (ceo , vp’s & manager’s).

In the fable of the Emperor's New Clothes, the emperor(Share holder of the company or the financier ) who has lots of money and answerable to no one announces that he would like to have clothes which no emperor in the world ever has and he will pay what ever the person wants if he stitch’s him the cloths that is make up of gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and all the precious stones , but if the person who say yes to his assignment and does not complete it he will cut his hands off . The new’s spread like wild fire in the entire kingdom and people starting speaking about this impossible task. But in this world there are always people who are smart and wise then what the other people think they are so an group of con men (ceo , vp’s & manager’s) decided to fool the Emperor .They went to the Emperor and said that they are expert in the there field of work and where able to deliver the results as the king wanted . The emperor (Share holder of the company or the financier) was very happy that finally he had got some body to get his work done. Any way he had so much time and money in the world and expected that these con men will give him the results .The corn men where very smart said that it will take at least two years to complete the assignment and it required very had work and dedication and require an house (free housing), beautiful maids (women secretaries), good free food (free parties,free pizzas) horse’s (cars and free transport) which should come along with the package. The emperor(Share holder of the company or the financier ) had no problem with that as his focus was on the end result and thought that he will have profit from these thugs(ceo , vp’s & manager’s) in two years of time. So started the job of the con men and they spend they entire two years getting pays every month , eating the best food at the expense of the Emperor , sleeping with wonder full maids and riding horses and enjoy as much as possible in the two years time as there motive was never to deliver results . When the time came to deliver results the emperor (Share holder of the company or the financier ) called the con men(ceo , vp’s & manager’s) in the court and told the con men to give him his cloths as he was promised. The con men were very smart and said in the front of the entire court that the people who have never lied in there entire life and who have not committed any sort of crime and who are good at heart only will be able to see the cloths . The con men said this in the front of the entire court as no body in court should say that he is liar, criminal, and not good at heart that included Emperor as well. So they said that they have bought the clothes and told the Emperor to remove his clothes so that he can put on his new cloths. The emperor was standing naked in the court and the new cloths where brought in big bags which where empty and the con men pretended there they where helping the Emperor put on his new cloths. The emperor (Share holder of the company or the financier) asked the people did the people in the court like his new clothes the entire court said that the cloth where magnificent (as the entire salaries and the free peaks of the people in the court depended on the emperor and if they do not say the boss is always right how can they enjoy there free lunch which they are uses to). Now the con men told the emperor that he should mount the horse and tour the entire city so that the people in his kingdom could see the magnificent cloths that he was wearing. So the emperor mounted the horse and toured the entire city naked but the entire city was informed already by the Emperor’s men that nobody should say that the Emperor was naked or the king will consider them liar, criminal, and not good at heart and will hang them and apart from that (the salaries and the promotion of the workers in the company depends on the mercy of the managers and not there hard work). So the crowd started to cheer the Emperor but when the Emperor reached the end of the kingdom there was an small boy who was shouting shame “the emperor is naked “.It was then that the emperor (Share holder of the company or the financier) realized the he has been fooled and the con men had already left for new assignment to fools some other emperor.

By this wonderful story we can understand why many organizations do not prosper we should always follow and learn lessons from the great leaders like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffet, Larry Page and Sergey Brin , Jack Welch etc and try to embed there business qualities in our business and prosper.

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